Saturday, April 24, 2010

Obama's Earth Day Speech Was not Very Green

Money for Nothing 
Some workers at the Securities and Exchange Commission, who were supposed to keep an eye on Wall Street, were instead watching Internet porn sites around the start of the economic crisis.
A memo obtained by the associated press shows the SEC's inspector general has conducted 33 probes of employees looking at explicit images in the past five years. It says a male senior attorney at SEC headquarters in Washington spent eight hours a day accessing Internet porn. A female accountant tried to log on to porn websites 1,800 times in a two week period and a male accountant 16,000 times in a single month.
This is not the first time government employees have been caught watching porn at work. Last September we told you about a National Science Foundation scandal involving graphic website surfing.
The president's Earth Day speech may not have been as green as it looked.

Thursday President Obama spoke at a Des Moines, Iowa plant that makes towers for wind turbines. CBS News reports the president's team burned 9,116 gallons of fuel in the air during the 1,800 mile trip. That does not include the gasoline for the motorcade and all the various support vehicles.
A speech in the White House's Rose Garden definitely would have been more green.

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