Monday, April 26, 2010

stephen hawking

Into the Universe with Stephen Hawking premiered yesterday in Discovery Channel. It’s a documentary series featuring the Universe with… of course who else, Stephen Hawking.
This three-part documentary series reveals the majesty of the universe and the wonders of the cosmos to a new generation by delving into the mind of the world’s most famous living scientist, Dr. Stephen Hawking. This documentary TV series is narrated by Benedict Cumberbatch.
More than 20 years after writing his groundbreaking book, “A Brief History of Time,” Hawking offers a fresh perspective, presenting his theories in what is considered to be the “golden age of cosmology.”
This epic series charts the history of the universe and tackles the some of the biggest questions: How did the universe begin? How will it end? Could alien life be found in distant planets? And is time travel possible? Cutting edge effects, computer-generated graphics, digitally enhanced NASA archival footage and live action combine to bring Hawking’s extraordinary vision of the universe to the screen.
This will be a very interesting documentary series. So let’s all watch and never miss all 3 parts of this series.

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