Friday, April 30, 2010

vera baker and barack obama

Photo of President Barack Obama’s Alleged Mistress

The undated photo above is of Ms. Baker, who served as a finance director on an early Obama campaign.  The Enquirer alleges that Mr. Obama and Ms. Baker spent a night together in a D.C. hotel after a night of fund raising.
According to the Enquirer:
The driver said he then picked up Obama at the airport and drove both he and Baker to various locations while he was campaigning for funds.  Vera accompanied him to each meeting.
“About 10:30 PM, I drove them to the hotel and they went in together!”
“My services for the evening were done – and there was no indication she was going to leave the hotel that night.”
A top DC source told The ENQUIRER exclusively that the driver’s account had been independently corroborated by investigators who believe the couple spent the night together at the hotel.
The ENQUIRER has also learned that on-site hotel surveillance video camera footage could provide indisputable evidence.
The National Enquirer has a decidedly hit-or-miss record of reporting accuracy.  However, the tabloid has gained notoriety over the past few years for nailing the John Edwards “love child” affair.
The Enquirer also reports that “anti-Obama operatives” are offering up to $1 million to anyone who can prove the affair happened.
Bill Clinton, the last Democrat to hold the office of President, was embroiled in a two-year scandal over his dalliances with an intern named Monica Lewinsky.  It is not clear if the American public has the appetite for a repeat of the Lewinsky affair.  In reality, a scandal of this type could actually help the President’s sagging image by showing Americans he is more than a bland stereotype of tired bureaucrat.  It’s an image that has grown stronger over the last few months after an exhausting, and bitter,  battle to get his mammoth health care reform effort through Congress.  The health care reform bill passed with no opposition votes this past winter.

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