Friday, May 14, 2010

gloria james

Gloria James and Delonte West Affair, Matt Lauer Denies Affair, A-Rod Fought Over by Kate Hudson and Cameron Diaz
 LeBron James' Mother and His Teammate, a Morning Show Co-host and a Yankee Third Baseman All in Celebrity Sex Scandal News

Gloria James, the mother of LeBron James is reportedly sleeping with one of his teammates, while Matt Lauer denies having cheated on his wife and Cameron Diaz is accused by Kate Hudson of having a relationship with Alex Rodriguez out of revenge.
 Gloria James is said to be having a sexual affair with her son LeBron's teammate and friend, Delonte West. Reports indicate that LeBron James found out about the affair prior to the Celtics' Game Four matchup against the Boston Celtics in their recently concluded playoff series.

Many are speculating that LeBron James' suddenly diminished play from Game 4 on was the result of him being upset about the relationship between his mother and his teammate. West has had a number of off the court issues in the past; his lifestyle has hardly been beyond reproach. For LeBron James, who has led a seemingly scandal free existence, that fact would likely be particularly difficult to take.All in all, it's just another day in celebrity sex scandals.

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