Wednesday, May 26, 2010

janet jackson american idol

 Bret Michaels on American Idol sings with Casey James: Celebrity Apprentice winner rocks 

 May 26 2010 -- The night of American Finale surprises included one shocker that hardly nody knew about, the return of Bret Michaels. As we all know Bret has been ill with life threatening complications that almost killed him. Last Sunday he took to the television by winning Celebrity Apprentice and tonight he came on strong singing with Casey James.

The evening performance definitely went to Michaels and James. A simple song with several meanings, the two rocked it out and made America want to start crying as well all could see Bret Michaels was alive and well.
The talent for the evening didn't stop with Bret Michaels. There was Janet Jackson, Alice Cooper, Kelly Clarkson, and even Carrie Underwood just to name a few of the big names that graced the Nokia stage. All of them shared their music with the finale of the decision on who was the next American Idol.

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