Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Do not call register

Do not call register
There are rumors which tell us that the creator of Do Not Call Registry Tim Muris has joined Facebook. This is what puts a person in curiosity. Tim Muris who worked with Bush Administration and is an attorney why would join Facebook. It is probable that his experience would be utilized by Facebook for counseling regarding the protection of the information provided to Facebook.
The controversy is related to the plan of Facebook to enhance its sphere of working under which is using the personal information provided by the users for the fulfillment of its commercial purposes. This heinous act on behalf of Facebook has invited strong agitation from the users. Following the action of Facebook the Electronic privacy Information Centre registered a suit against FTC.

In the suit they have blamed Facebook for indulging in unfair and false commercial trends thereby violating the protection afforded to the customers. Moreover, it has also alleged Facebook that the act was repeated several times by the site which has caused the emotions of the users to boil up.
It is important to remember that Facebook has not confirmed Muris’ joining the site. As I mentioned earlier these are rumors but keeping in view the latest uproar over the privacy problems faced by Facebook there might have developed some kind of understanding between Tim and Facebook but both of them are not willing to reveal the hidden truth.

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